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Thursday, May 19, 2011

"Sweet" "Sweet" Showers

Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather. ~John Ruskin
Today's sky was very ominous, but waking to the sound of rain drops hitting my air conditioner calmed my spirit. When did the rain become such a bad thing? I'll never know. Growing up, we are influenced by what people around us say and feel. As I was growing up, I can recall hearing people talk about how bright the sun was and how the sun was God smiling down on the world. What I never heard about was what the rain meant. Back then I asked my mother, "Mommy, what does it mean when it rains?" Her response, "When it rains, God is crying." 
What do His tears mean for us?
I believed her whole-heartedly. Until I came in to my own, I would wake up on rainy mornings and feel very sad because God would only cry if someone or something died, right?!  
As the years passed, I learned that rain was really something more scientific; the result of water particles located in the clouds growing and becoming heavier, causing those clouds to bust. 
What goes up, must come down!
Finally, I realized that I had my own interpretation of what the rain meant/means. God isn't crying because someone or something has died (in fact the belief is that God's kingdom rejoices when His creations join Him in His everlasting home), the clouds may be bursting from the weight of the water particles, however (my belief), God is cleansing and renewing the world (transformation of some sort), for a change that is about to occur.

This time is a time of cleansing and transformation, for me. A transformation that has been in the works for some time. Time to cleanse the soul and open the heart for something new and beautiful. Just because school is not in session does not mean that learning should seize.

Singing in the rain!
Change was what I once feared and tried to avoid. Change brings about moments of uncertainty and chaos (which ruffles feathers); but change also allows for renewal in faith and a chance to grow. Growth is something everyone needs on a continual basis in order to survive in this evolving world. Growth is needed to allow for more opportunities (challenges) to be presented and taken (acted upon). Looking back, how would I (or anyone for that matter) have gained full knowledge of my capabilities if certain opportunities were not availed to me.

At this current juncture, I look forward to the change and transformation that my life is enduring. Without the change, there is no growth (or difference) from who I was, who I am and who I will become. The rain is so symbolic of that. So while everyone else looks at the damper the rain is putting on their plans take a second to thank the Lord for the reminder of renewed faith and transformation of self.
There is always a rainbow at the end of a rainstorm! ;-)


  1. I must say that my most favorite part of a good rain is when it's over and I can search for a rainbow! How wonderful is it that God gives us rainbows to show us His promise that He will never flood the entire world again? Love that God gives us promises like that AND keeps every single one of them. Our God truly is a good God!

    BTW Candice you are amazing!

  2. Candice. What an awesome start to the blog. I love your greeting....sweetings. I look forward to following around in cyber space
